Examples of Initiatives for Measuring, Reporting, and Ranking of (Impact) Investments


As part of TIFS work to create a True Cost Accounting / True Value investor toolkit, we are tracking initiatives focused on measuring, reporting and ranking of impacts. We would love to hear from you if we are missing relevant initiatives.

Impact Screening and Portfolio Assessment:

  1. The Prime Coalition partners with philanthropists to invest charitable capital in companies that combat climate change, have a high likelihood of achieving commercial success, and would otherwise have a difficult time raising sufficient financial support.
  2. The 2° Investing Initiative (2°ii) was set up in 2012 to align financial markets with climate goals. It has developed several models and analytical tools for integrating climate goals and long-term risks into investment decision-making and financial regulatory regimes.
  3. HowGood works with investors to bring environmental, social, and animal welfare considerations into each stage of the investment process, from evaluating new companies to tracking internal and public-facing impact goals.

Impact Measurement, Management, and Reporting:

  1. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) is a nonprofit membership organization with 280 members across 41 countries building industry infrastructure and supporting activities, education, and research that help accelerate the development of the impact investing industry. GIIN manages a database (IRIS+) of generally accepted metrics for measuring, managing, and optimizing impact.
  2. The Impact Management Project (IMP) is a forum for building global consensus on how to measure, manage and report impacts.
    • IMP is building consensus around standards in three areas: processes for managing impact (practice); frameworks and indicators for measuring and reporting impact (performance); and valuation for comparing impact (benchmarking).
    • IMP Structured Network is a collaboration of standard-setting organisations that are coordinating efforts to provide complete standards for impact measurement, management and reporting.
  3. Sopact allows funders, mission-driven organizations, and sustainable organizations to easily measure and manage their social and environmental impact.
  4. Justice Funders created the Resonance Framework with metrics for a just transition in philanthropy.
  5. The Environmental Impact Reporting in Agriculture paper describes a demand-driven approach for gathering and reporting environmental information from the agriculture sector towards risk management and investment decision making.
  6. The Human Impact + Profit (HIP Investor) quantitative analysis systematically identifies environmental, social and governance sustainability outcomes at the investment security level.
  7. B-Lab created the B Impact Assessment for companies to measure their impact on workers, community, environment, and customers.
  8. Harvard Impact Weighted Accounts Project creates accounting statements that transparently capture external impacts to drive investor and managerial decision making.
  9. The Impact Institute has created an Integrated Profit & Loss (IP&L) approach uses the six capitals of the International Integrated Reporting Council to create a systematic overview of the value that organizations create to stakeholders, analogues to financial statements.
  10. World Intellectual Capital Institute is a private/public sector collaboration aimed at improving capital allocation through better corporate reporting information.
  11. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is an independent standards board setting standards for sustainability accounting.
  12. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), a group of professional accounting associations, created guidance for Applying Enterprise Risk Management to Environmental, Social and Governance-related Risks.
  13. The FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures will develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders.

Operating Principles and Verification:

  1. The Operating Principles for Impact Management provide a set of impact management and measurement best practices designed to promote impact integrity and increase transparency in reporting.
  2. The IFI Group’s Harmonized Indicator for Private Sector Operations is an effort to benchmark indicators to track development results for private sector investment operations and seek examples of best practice for shared adoption.
  3. The Principles for Responsible Investment works to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance factors and to support its international network of investor signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions.

Ranking or Rating:

The World Benchmarking Alliance is developing a benchmark that ranks companies in their efforts to achieve SDGs.