

TIFS was established in January 2020, when members of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food (a collective of 26 foundations and funders from around the world) recognized that there needed to be a bridge between the worlds of finance and philanthropy.

In response to the need to connect the goals of enterprise success of financial investors with the system change goals of philanthropy, TIFS initially launched a design phase that focused on researching, prototyping, and developing mechanisms and strategies for investing in transformational businesses. Since then, we have built an impressive set of assets that provide a solid understanding of what is needed for food systems investing, including numerous thought publications, investment screening methodologies, and the cultivation of a diverse community of thought leaders and action-minded financial practitioners.


Since August 2023, TIFS has been gathering support and building up the capacity for our unique systemic approach. TIFS is developing parallel approaches to build a food system investing field: one from the ground up that helps improve the resiliency and livelihood of food producers, stewards of nature, and their communities, and one from the top down that addresses the needs of institutional investors to deploy financial capital to regenerative and agroecological enterprises.

In 2024 TIFS identified two strategic priorities to increase investment in agroecological and regenerative food systems. Leveraging our networks, thought leadership, and methodologies, we are building investing ecosystems in two regions: East Africa and North America, and co-creating financial structures and innovations that increase capital flows to regenerative and agroecological innovators. 



Rex Raimond
Initiative Director


David Bennell
Managing Director of Investor Relations


Tim Crosby
Co-Founder and Chair


Laura Thompson
Strategic Partnerships Manager


Tina Owens
Regenerative Systems Review


Erin Eberle
Communications Strategy Consultant


David Cooper
Financial Strategy

Steering Committee

Minhaj Ameen Director of Strategic Operations, Finance and Administration
Agroecology Fund

Lauren Baker
Program Director
Global Alliance for the Future of Food

G.V. Krishnagopal
Group Director
ALC India and Creyo

Lolita Nunn Director of Programs and Investor Relations
Potlikker Capital

Daniel Moss Co-Director
Agroecology Fund

Stefanie Pondini
Policy & Advocacy Programme Manager
Biovision Foundation

Michael Roberts President and CEO
First Nations Development Institute

Nana Adjoa A. Sifa Initiator/Lead

Gaspard Verdier Financial Advisor
Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation

Mark Watson Co-Founder, President, Board & Investment Committee Member
Potlikker Capital