Biovision Foundation and the Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) Initiative, held a major event “Investing in Food Systems Transformation” on 16 September 2021. To watch the event, find the recording here
Book Chapter – Investing in the True Value of Sustainable Food Systems
TIFS is excited to welcome the launch of True Cost Accounting for Food: Balancing the Scale! Jennifer Astone, Tim Crosby and Rex Raimond contributed a chapter on Investing in the True Value of Sustainable Food Systems.
TIFS Community – Investing in Agroecological Food Systems
On 16 June 2021 the TIFS Community discussed findings of two studies that explore financing towards agroecological food systems. “Credit Where Due” presents findings from an initial analysis of post-Brexit agroecological financing opportunities in the United Kingdom (UK). “Supporting Agroecological Enterprises (AEEs) in Africa” analyzes existing AEEs in Africa and their service providers.
TIFS Community – A discussion of two projects and an update about the UN Food Systems Summit
On 21 April 2021, the TIFS Community met to discuss two new projects on investing in food systems transformation and an update about the UN Food Systems Summit.
TIFS Community – Place-Based Investing to Grow Community Health and Wealth through Food
On 17 March 2021, the TIFS Community discussed: Place-Based Investing to Grow Community Health and Wealth through Food. Through the example of the Fair Food Fund, participants explored financial solutions that support communities that are building their own solutions through just entrepreneur success and broader systems change.
TIFS Community – A Conversation about Plating Up Progress
Plating Up Progress 2020 is an initiative of the Food Foundation in the UK. Plating Up Progress assesses the progress being made by major UK-operating businesses within the food retail, foodservice and restaurant chain sectors across key themes relating to the transition to a healthy and sustainable food system.
TIFS Community – A Conversation with SAT Holistic Group Ltd.
SAT Holistic Group Ltd. is a social enterprise in Tanzania that is helping farmers use acknowledged agroecological methods to improve livelihoods, conserve the environment, and reduce pressure on natural resources.
TIFS at the 3rd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme
The TIFS Initiative, in partnership with the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, hosted a session as part of the 3rd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme. The 3rd global conference is a major milestone in the preparation of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit.
Tools Needed for System Level Investing
Coinciding with the Race to Zero Dialogues on Finance, Tim Crosby (Principal of the Thread Fund and Chair of the TIFS Steering Committee) wrote an article Bankrolling systems change. Where are the tools for the transformative investor?
Food Systems Dialogues for Investors Online
On 27 October 2020, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and Transformative Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) convened a Food Systems Dialogues for Investors. GreenBiz Verge Food was a supporting partner of the event.
TIFS Community – Investing in Agroecology
The TIFS Community gathered to discuss Investing in Agroecology. The group heard presentations on the 10 elements and 13 principles of agroecology from Emile Frison (International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems) and a summary of the findings from IFAD’s assessment of agroecology in their loan and grant portfolio by Rikke Grand Olivera (International Fund For Agricultural Development – IFAD).
Healthy Soil Contributes to a Healthy Gut
As we work to identify barriers to a system approach to investing, TIFS is looking at opportunities to connect traditionally siloed issues. Below are links to research, reports and articles that connect soil health to the nutritional level in food and to a healthier digestive system that can improve the overall health of an individual.