Investing in Food Systems Transformation Event


Biovision Foundation and the Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) Initiative, held a major event “Investing in Food Systems Transformation” on 16 September 2021. To watch the event, find the recording here

TIFS Community – Investing in Agroecological Food Systems


On 16 June 2021 the TIFS Community discussed findings of two studies that explore financing towards agroecological food systems. “Credit Where Due” presents findings from an initial analysis of post-Brexit agroecological financing opportunities in the United Kingdom (UK). “Supporting Agroecological Enterprises (AEEs) in Africa” analyzes existing AEEs in Africa and their service providers.

TIFS Community – Investing in Agroecology


The TIFS Community gathered to discuss Investing in Agroecology. The group heard presentations on the 10 elements and 13 principles of agroecology from Emile Frison (International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems) and a summary of the findings from IFAD’s assessment of agroecology in their loan and grant portfolio by Rikke Grand Olivera (International Fund For Agricultural Development – IFAD).

Healthy Soil Contributes to a Healthy Gut


As we work to identify barriers to a system approach to investing, TIFS is looking at opportunities to connect traditionally siloed issues. Below are links to research, reports and articles that connect soil health to the nutritional level in food and to a healthier digestive system that can improve the overall health of an individual.