Conversations about Investing in Food Systems Transformation: Community Markets for Conservation


The Global Alliance for the Future of Food, the Agroecology Fund, and Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) are co-hosting a series of events highlighting enterprises, funds, and service providers that contribute to positive food systems change through entrepreneurship. Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) featured on 27 October 2022. COMACO works with over 230,000 small-scale farm producers and provides a market-based solution for restoring soils and biodiversity across rural landscapes. COMACO provides access to healthy foods for millions of consumers in Africa (TIFS Summary).

The session included

  • Presentation on Community Markets for Conservation, a history of impact by Dale Lewis, CEO, and Prudence Muchinouta, CFO, COMACO (Slide Deck)
  • Reflections from the field by Esther Zulu, Chairperson, Chitetetza Cooperative Federation
  • Observations from a funder and investors by Heiner Baumann, Senior Advisor and Member of Investment Committee, Pilot House Philanthropy