TIFS Community – Investing in Agroecology


The TIFS Community gathered to discuss Investing in Agroecology. The group heard presentations on the 10 elements and 13 principles of agroecology from Emile Frison (International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems) and a summary of the findings from IFAD’s assessment of agroecology in their loan and grant portfolio by Rikke Grand Olivera (International Fund For Agricultural Development – IFAD).

During the discussion, participants touched on the opportunities for investing in market development and private sector investment. TIFS Community members are interested in diving deeper into specific investment opportunities.

Helpful resources on agroecology include FAO 10 Elements of Agroecology and Biovision’s Agroecology Infopool. Recent studies are mapping public and charitable funding flows for agroecokogy, including: the Money Flows report; and Finance for Agroecology.