TIFS was a proud sponsor of the Regenerative Food Systems Investing (RFSI) Forum 2023.
Tim Crosby, TIFS Chair moderated an amazing panel on “Who’s Going to Fund the Middle?” with Sara Balawajder, Builders Vision; Charley Cummings, Walden Mutual; Keith Nantz, Nexus Beef; Phil Taylor, Mad Ag. The mid-supply chain is the essential plumbing of the food system, but it turns out plumbing isn’t always the most attractive investment. Why is it so hard to fund the middle and how do we make it better understood and investable?
Tim Crosby and Rex Raimond, TIFS Director were interviewed by RFSI about the complexities of investing in the middle of the food supply system. Read more about “Seeding the Future of Regenerative Food Supply Systems.”
On the day before RFSI, TIFS with Builders Vision, Potlikker Capital, and Funders for Regenerative Agriculture co-hosted another session of our action series on “the missing middle of investing in food systems transformation”, which is all about generating ideas and catalyzing actions for closing the gap between the investment needs of regenerative businesses and the investment requirements of interested private and public investors.