TIFS Community – A Conversation with SAT Holistic Group Ltd.


SAT Holistic Group Ltd. is a social enterprise in Tanzania that is helping farmers use acknowledged agroecological methods to improve livelihoods, conserve the environment, and reduce pressure on natural resources.

Alexander Wostry, Akley Mbaye, and Olivary Burra presented SAT Holistic Group Ltd. SAT provides farmers with access to markets for organic products, both domestic markets and export markets for high value cash crops. SAT’s supply chain includes high quality cultivation, processing, marketing and distribution of organic products.

SAT Holistic Group is affiliated with Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), an NGO that has been operating in Tanzania for 10 years, benefitting local farmers and their families through disseminating knowledge, conducting participatory research and enabling stable connections to markets.

Frank Eyhorn of Biovision International mentioned that his organization has been working with SAT for many years and that they have built a strong reputation. He mentiond that SAT Holistic Group has built a strong business model.