TIFS Community – A discussion of two projects and an update about the UN Food Systems Summit


On 21 April 2021, the TIFS Community met to discuss two relevant projects and an update about the UN Food Systems Summit

Part 1: New Projects on Investing in Food Systems Transformation
TIFS is involved in two new projects on investing in food systems transformation. The two projects are closely coordinated.

  • Biovision Foundation and TIFS are starting a project aimed at identifying inspiring agroecological enterprises and service providers and developing shared strategies and actions to support the proliferation of relevant enterprises.

  • The Global Alliance for the Future of Food and TIFS are identifying a new cohort of Beacons of Hope focused on investing in food systems transformation.

Part 2: Food Systems Finance at the UN Food Systems Summit
A range of ideas and initiatives regarding food systems finance are emerging from the UN Food Systems Summit planning process. The TIFS Community took stock of some of these emerging ideas.